Friday, December 12, 2008

Carefree Mentality

Dear Choco-chaco-litas, For those of you who know part of this story, just bare with me. A little over a week ago my tootsies, (toes) were looking a bit rough. They were really dry and starting to crack. I figured that it was from the onset of winter. So, I would shower, dry my feet really well and then put lotion on ’em and place socks on my feet. That wasn’t quite the problem. Then, they started to itch. I remember going to my weekly Bible study group and scratchin’ between my toes so vigorously as if I was trying to earn a girl scout badge for starting a fire. Two days later, my toes were very swollen and had blisters all over them. My doc put me on this miracle cream that fixed them right up. However, the relief didn’t come right away and as a result I had to wear pink crocks to a world class ornament exchange. And I must mention that my resourcefulness found some scotch tape and some carefree panty liners. See, the blisters were finally leaking on their own and to keep my socks from getting narly, I taped the panty liners together to cover my boo booz. As if that’s not enough I had the honor of singing with two amazing ladies singing O Holy Night. So there I was standing next to two beautiful, slender, talented, and very stylish women with my carefree panty liner scotch taped toes sing O Holy Night when I was actually thinking O Holy Sch…nauzer. You get the idea. What would have happened if I actually treated myself for the right problem in the first place? I’m sure that I could have avoided a whole lot of panty liner discussions. As Christians sometimes we forget that avoiding sin can prevent major complications down the road. Here’s an example: If I wash my face before I go to bed, most likely, I will not wake up with a huge zit on my face. However, if I neglect my skin the odds of having those imperfections on my face will be greater. Having a care-full mentality will always benefit each of us instead of having a care-free mentality. Here’s what the Bible says about having a care-full and Godlike mentality with an example of “words.” Proverbs 16:20-24 Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful. The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive. Discretion is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it, but discipline is wasted on fools. From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive. Kind words are like honey- sweet to the soul and health for the body. I don’t know about y’all but I would rather use my words to heal and encourage than choose words that injure and can leave someone debilitated. Here’s my prayer- “Lord, there are times that my mouth is clumsy. Please replace my feelings about something with your feelings. Since my mouth says what my heart stores, please change my heart and keep me from becoming a care-free Christian”. So girls, let’s attempt the possible and avoid those wrong decisions to prevent any further outbreaks of verbal disease! AMEN! Have a fantastic week! Love, Dede

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