Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bury Them Bones

Dear Terrific Truffles, I am just gonna dig into this devotional. This past week the Lord gave me a revelation that I must share with you. But first let’s establish a common ground. Do we collectively believe that when the Bible says that Jesus has come to set the captive free that it means He really has come to set the captive free? Yes. Do we believe that when the Bible tells us to put on the full Armour of God, that it is an armour of necessity? Yes. Good. Recently the Lord had me go back and dig deeper into the different pieces of our spiritual armour. Specifically looking at the shoes of the Gospel of peace as well as the helmet of salvation. Wouldn’t it make sense that if we are supposed to put on the whole armour of God that Jesus also wears the same armour? Of course! We are soldiers in the Lord’s army…guess what?! Jesus is Lord! When I asked Jesus into my heart he didn’t move in abruptly, He came into my life with the gospel of peace, gently. My new salvation was evident to mature Christians because my mindset had just become new! If God wanted to, he could have cleaned out my memory of all past hurts and offences. But, he decided to renew my mind daily. He didn’t start from scratch every morning, he reminded me of what he taught me the day before and added to it! You and I both know that when we have a thought of going somewhere- it’s our feet that take us there. Well, the Lord showed me that if I truly want to be a captive that is set free of corrupt mindsets that have been in place for years and possibly generations, that that means I need to bury my past. See you can’t live with a renewed mind if you dwell on past pain. It’s impossible. It doesn’t mean that you throw caution to the wind, or ignore the voice of wisdom, it just means that you don’t use fear as a motivator to dictate your destiny. Many women are captives of fear and depression, discouragement, hopelessness, sickness, and control. Now stay with me- this point will come together. When you choose to put on the shoes of the Gospel of Peace and the Helmet of Salvation wouldn’t it seem natural or rather supernatural for the Lord to take our minds to uncharted territory? If we allow Him to change how we think (in kingdom terms) rather what our eyes can see, that means that when you and I see a problem it’s really an opportunity for a victory!!! When you can have that mindset, your spiritual feet will take you to places and cause you to meet other people that God wants you to meet. This past week I received an email from a woman named Rae, now I have a very dear sister in the Lord named Rae, so naturally I thought that the email was from her. She had forwarded me an email giving me an invitation to meet with some women from our church to pray with. The contact name to rsvp was a certain Debbie. I have 4 or so friends from my church named Debbie and I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t always remember last names. So, I thought this whole time of exchanging emails that I was talking to someone that I knew. Not by any stretch. Both of these women attend a different church that also meets in a school and the pastoral offices are located elsewhere. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Anyway, as I arrived to the building there was a woman about to enter and I asked her, “Are you here for the prayer meeting?” “Yes”, she said. I asked “what church family are you from?” She said “The Bridge”, a church located in a school here in Warrenton. Now to some, it might seem that all of those similarities were just that. But to a Christian with a renewed mind and shoes to get me where God wanted me, it was a divine appointment. The prayer meeting was extremely life altering for many of us there, especially me. So girls, be sure to give the Lord your past so that he will empower you with a renewed mind so that you will go (figuratively or literally) where He wants. The sense of freedom that I have had since December 30th of 2008 is not comparable to anything that I have ever experienced. Join with me and burry them bones! If you allow him to change your mindset I am convinced that you will see mighty miracles in your life this year that otherwise you may have just considered coincidence. I love you all, Dede

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praising God for the breakthroughs! Continuing to pray for your life and future! :-)