Monday, September 10, 2012

Do you know how to care for your harvest?

Earlier this morning the Lord was speaking to us about protection. He showed me a picture of myself pushing and pushing in hard labor. The baby was born, the cord was cut, and then no one cleaned the baby, no one sucked out the snot, or cleaned out the mouth, no one swaddled the baby, and the baby was just left on a cold table crying and being ignored. Dying from hunger and hypothermia; the baby g
ave up. That baby was supposed to be a harvest miracle but because the "parents" didn't know how to care for the newborn, the harvest died. She wasn't protected. HOW DARE ANYONE ASK FOR A HARVEST WITHOUT KNOWING HOW TO CARE FOR IT AFTER IT COMES! Anyone who is a parent or expectant parent knows that there are things that they must do to prepare for the coming miracle. But how many churches today prepare for a harvest of souls and know how to care for these Christian babies? They must be protected! They must be PROTECTED! There must be things in place to care for these precious saints! How is your church in this area? After my husband was delivered from homosexuality, the church that he started going to did not know how to care for him. My beloved was delivered and yet he still had to return to the town house where his exlover lived! He stood under all that pressure and remained CLEAN before God. Church, we have got to get this right! We need to be praying, "Lord, what do we need to do to protect the harvest?" Do what he does and say what he says. PERIOD!
Can you imagine if there was a church that knew how to care for my husband after he came to the Lord? What if it was your son or daughter that was delivered from being gay? Wouldn't it be awesome if every church knew how to care for their harvest? I would have loved to hear my husband say, "Dede, after I left the lifestyle my church leased me an apartment for 6 months just so I could get out of my ex-lovers town house." Get your house prepared for the harvest! Wouldn't it be wonderful if each new Christian had a mentor assigned to them by the Holy Spirit to teach, encourage, correct, and LOVE until they are showing signs of maturity and are ready to fly!
After I left my abusive ex-husband, (and I knew the Lord), it took me months to see that I really had a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11); and I was a fierce Christian then! How much harder would it be for someone who has never known the Lord! I realize that this takes patience and lots of it. I also realize that this takes sacrifice, and lots of love...agape love. This is required to protect your harvest! So, do you really want a harvest after all? I sure do and I'm going to do whatever I need to do to protect it when it comes!


Anonymous said...

Are you sure you know how babby is formed? I really you and xgay need a psych ward.

bummers said...

He's not really a former gay, he still bums boys.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to tell you this but what you are experiencing is called hysterical pregnancy. It's existed for a very long time. This is why you are still bleeding, feeling the "baby" move, look pregnant and tested negative at the clinic. This is nothing to be ashamed of but you need to seek professional help immediately or eventually someone is going to do it for you and the outcome could see your son being removed from your home and no one wants that.

Anonymous said...

Your facebook post from last week hit reddit today and is becoming viral. You are about to receive a large amount of unwanted attention. I urge you to take the advice from a prior poster and seek help now. Things are going to be a lot less private for you very soon.

Anonymous said...

Take the advice from the 2 posters above. You need help and you are about to experience becoming an internet sensation in a way I don't believe you will be pleased with.

Anonymous said...

You have clearly mistaken your fervent wishes for "the word of the Lord". I wonder how often you and your husband make this kind of mistake. Perhaps your whole "divine" ministry is built on such wish fulfilling fiction.

It has already been medically confirmed that you are not actually pregnant. At some level you must accept this because no woman in a responsible frame of mind would neglect regular pre-natal medical check ups. It is clearly an emotional thing because no sane woman who had been told she was experiencing a pseudo pregnancy (and the clinic staff DID tell you that, didn't they?) would neglect to have herself investigated for the medical alternatives, which include invasive intestinal cancer and hormonal disturbances. What is really unforgivable is that you have set an extremely dangerous example to women who may be taken in by your "miracle" and who, in consequence, are hearing their own "voice of god" telling them to neglect their health and the health of any developing fetus that they may be carrying. It is time you got some appropriate help for your real condition so that you cease harming others, including your husband, of course.

TruProfet said...

Then the LORD said to me, “What they have said is right. I will raise up a prophet like you - - I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I command him. I will personally deal with anyone who will not listen to the messages the prophet proclaims on My behalf. But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in My name or who speaks in the name of another god must die.”

But you may wonder, “How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the LORD?” If the prophet speaks in the LORD’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the LORD did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without [God’s] authority and need not be feared.

—Moses, Deuteronomy 18.17-22 NLT

If it is true what people are saying about you, and the Lord did not tell you that you were with child, then you are truly a False Prophet.

You say that you are in the 12 month of pregnancy. I do not think this is sign that the Lord wants to draw attention to you as a Blessed Servant. I think it is a Sign that you are an untrustworthy False Prophet.

Repent or your sins and of your selfishness and of repeating words from the Devil. Repent before it is too late and His People rise up and do as the Lord has commanded be done with False Prophets.

Anonymous said...

Get to a doctor. Fast.
It doesn't impact your faith. You have nothing to prove to God about this pregnancy; He doesn't require that.
Clearly, this pregnancy is not progressing normally. You owe it to the life of this baby to seek medical attention. Immediately. To do anything less is irresponsible. At best. If you are genuinely a God-fearing woman, get to an emergency room tonight. If there's a baby in there, it's in fetal distress - no question about it.

You may have an uncommon complication of pregnancy called trophoblastic neoplasia. Left untreated, it leads to choriocarcinoma.

With treatment and good quality medical care, you can be pregnant again. It won't affect your ability to bear children. IF you do something about it.

Anonymous said...

"He showed me a picture of myself pushing and pushing in hard labor. The baby was born, the cord was cut, and then no one cleaned the baby, no one sucked out the snot, or cleaned out the mouth, no one swaddled the baby, and the baby was just left on a cold table crying and being ignored.

Dying from hunger and hypothermia; the baby gave up.

That baby was supposed to be a harvest miracle but because the "parents" didn't know how to care for the newborn, the harvest died. She wasn't protected.



Anonymous said...

Uhhhh.... you're not pregnant.

You either have a hysterical pregnancy, a massive tumor, or an insane amount of water retention.

Regardless, its completely obvious that you are insane.

If you are hearing voices (from God or anyone else) - you are experiencing a mental problem.

You are saying God is causing an extended pregnancy to use you to get attention, you are incinuating that you are somehow divine...

You are a liar and a very sick woman. I hope someone reports you and all of these disturbing blogs to the authorities in your area. At the very least, they will send someone to check on the wellbeing of your son. Actually, I am going to work on that right now. I will alert them myself.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a midwife? What is your birthing plan? Who will assist you and what is your preparation? Home birth? Go to an ER at the onset of labor?

You've mentioned what I assume to be contractions and labor that stopped. What were you planning to do if labor continues? How do you know everything's okay? Has anyone checked for fetal heart tones?

You are well beyond gestational dates that would be a legal issue for midwives. You have to be in tip-top shape with no anomalies for midwifery.

You need to check in with whatever provider you were planning for delivery. You're putting them in an extremely tenuous legal situation with licensure - Christian or not - if they have not monitored your health and the health of the baby.

What does your husband think of all this? Is he supportive? Is he planning to be part of the delivery? Is he prepared? Does he know how to handle it if there's a medical crisis? Is he planning to let you die as if it's God's Will?

I agree with another comment. You need some help. Authorities need to step in and check fetal status if you and your husband are unable to manage this pregnancy.
Are you able to clearly think through the biology and anatomy of pregnancy? Are you able to understand that 52 weeks of pregnancy is incompatible with fetal life and normal labor and delivery? Human gestation is 36 to 40 weeks. If you conceived in early April, your due date was at Christmas time. It's no shame to make a mistake with the date of conception.

I think God is calling on you now. Don't you think so?

Anonymous said...

When this whole pregnancy thing comes crashing down around you, realize that there are people who simply want you to get better and wish you no harm. Take no drastic action (like trying to cover it up or say it was God's will or something like that)--simply admit that you thought for sure there was a baby and you know now that there was not. There's no reason to lose faith over it, or question your religion. It was simply a mistake you made which got out of hand. I wish you the best--please reach out to humanity if you feel the need, we are nice people and would be happy to help lift you up once you've fallen.

Anonymous said...

Please, pregnant women in Dede's area need to be on the lookout. A woman in Oregon had her child cut from her womb by a woman who wanted a baby way too bad. I foresee this happening here. She has dragged out this pregnancy hoax too long and will likely hurt another woman to get what she needs, and will hide behind "god's will". So, hospital's in her area need to put up signs. Moms to be , don't answer online ads until this blows over. Dede Haislip is also a nurse, so she could be extremely dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Please please please-dont take what people are saying as "doubting a miracle",or "satan testing you" w/ the doubt & harshness of those that vilified the saints,or whatever.You are not a saint, you are ill.All this talk about harvesting souls???Yes,you sound BSC,&scaring the hell out of ready-to-deliver mothers everywhere.You fit the profile of one who would steal a child from a hospital,a home,or a womb.People will do exactly as they say and contact the authorities.Mabey you wanted all this attention(admittedly you do-for your "ministry")-but I highly doubt you want the kind of attention thats coming.Go to the Dr if you havnt already-it might save the child you do have.
And to allof those followers of hers-seriously!What are you thinking supporting this-if you care about her,encourage her to do the right thing!!

Anonymous said...

I pray that you will listen to the above commentators. Please, for your son!

God put medical professionals on earth for a reason.

Anonymous said...


You're not pregnant. You either have a hysterical pregnancy, a tumor or you're just getting fat. I think it is a hysterical pregnancy. Basically, you think you are pregnant and want it so badly, you can trick your body into producing pregnancy hormones.

Get help.

Also, it's very likely that your husband was a)never gay or b)still gay. I'm going to go with b.

Anonymous said...

Or is this a social experiment in faith or something? To see what peoples' reactions would be?

Anonymous said...

Wow I've just read through your blog and Facebook posts and all I can say is SCARY! Really if you ever were pregnant as a nurse you should know nothing good comes of going more than two weeks past your due date. At 52 weeks if you ever were pregnant the baby has already died from fetal distress. Best case scenario is this is a hysterical pregnancy, and you are just a bit mentally ill and a good psychiatrist can help you. Worst case scenario is that you have some sort of malignant tumor, and you are wasting precious time by not getting the lifesaving treatments you need. I'm not here to hate on you. I'm honestly concerned for your health both mentally and physically.

That being said several readers are concerned enough to contact the authorities, and CPS is likely to become involved if the do. You have a living breathing little boy who depends on you as his mother do the right thing get yourself some help so that you can be around to see him grow up. If it is a tumor do you really want to ignore it and eventually leave him motherless? I know you love the Lord and want to live by faith, but where in the Bible does it say to avoid medical help? Yes God can work miracles, heal people and raise the dead, but he never said doing all you could do to get yourself well was showing a lack of faith. On the contrary in almost every Bible story I can remember reading people sought Jesus out for a healing only after they had exhausted all other options. He didn't say nope sorry you tried to get better on your own first, so I'm not helping you, he just healed them. I don't think God would punish you for seeing a doctor. In short PLEASE GET SOME PROFESSIONAL HELP ASAP.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with you? You are sick in the head and you need psychiatric help as soon as possible. I am shocked and disgusted at everything you are saying you are giving off a very bad view of the christian faith.

Voices in your head are usually a symptom of schizophrenia, and it is not normal to be pregnant for that long, seek help, that could be a tumor for christ sake!

As someone above said I hope someone reports her to the authorities as pregnant women in the area are not safe from her or her husband.

Anonymous said...

Hon, you're not pregnant and you're not fooling anyone. Which leads to the question: what exactly are you trying to do?

Secondly, you're fooling yourself by thinking that your husband isn't gay. People don't suddenly turn gay or straight any more than they can choose to be left or right handed.

I don't know what you're trying to accomplish but you're making yourself look foolish at best and dangerous at worst.

Anonymous said...

You dumb fucking cunt. You are a liar and a fraud and so is your extremely still gay husband. Fuck you for pretending God is speaking to you. Fuck you for lying and acting like you are carrying a second coming of Christ. Fuck you for lying to people and taking advantage of them. You are a stupid fucking bitch and I cant wait until I see you and your homo hubby in hell. Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

Still no baby, eh? I hope the above commenter did report you to the local authorities. It's ridiculous that you are keeping up this sham going. If you WERE actually pregnant, you've endangered the life of your child. If you delivered at home and the baby was stillborn or something, then it was your fault for not taking proper care of yourself and the baby.

OR you're a COMPLETE nutjob and you're planning to steal a baby.

OR tumor.

OR hysterical pregnancy...

Or, just a big, fat, liar. Mostly a liar who is just big and fat.

Anonymous said...

You have to be reading this,especially since you set up an FAQ at reverbnation.I'm sure that since you're finally getting some of the attention you have so obviously craved for quite some time.Also obvious,is your husbands need for attention.You two are not feeding off of love and the lord, youre living in that dark ,lonely place,where liars, and deceivers waste away,their souls twisting with guilt and shame writhing in the gut,where deep and profound terror of the Lord, your God,whom you blasphem in his own name,reflects the truth of your own evil back at you.There is no hope without swift confession and attonement.Christ did not die for our sins so you could take advantage of his sacraficial gift of eternal life.Why was that not enough for you?

Anonymous said...

Two days away from the appearance of the tumor - I mean - "baby." :D

Wonder what your story is going to be then when there's no baby to show to everyone.

It is kind of amusing to watch though. In a sad sort of way, I mean.

Anonymous said...

Dede, the church is obligated to help widows and children, not able bodied men. Why would the church be obligated to rent xgaygreg an apartment for 6 months? As it is, you are living with his parents right now, he can't even support you. Thank goodness you don't have custody of your son, that sweet kid doesn't need the drama of you and yours. Perhaps xgaygreg could have done work for the church as an electrician, right? Maybe you forgot, but he has been deceitful in that arena.

Perhaps you should focus on the child you DO have, instead of the phantom one inside you. Has xgaygreg repented for leaving his wife and kids? Do the two of ou talk to one another about any other that gay people? I have a feeling you don't. The above poster, using scripture to warn about false prophets was right on. I get the picture, the two of you are nothing but fringe kooks, giving Christians a bad name.

Anonymous said...

@anon 5:58- Here is his wedding announcement-Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bartholomew, Casselberry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lisa Michele, to Gregory Fenton Haislip, Melbourne, son of Norene H. Haislip, Longwood, and Jerry F. Haislip, Glastonberry, Conn. The wedding is March 26. She graduated from Lake Howell High School, Maitland, and University of Central Florida, Orlando. He graduated from Bishop Moore High School, Orlando, and University of Florida, Gainesville.

lol I just noticed that today is his anniversary. AND it appears that he very well may NOT be married to this poor crazy Dede.

Anonymous said...

@anon- Sorry this is his 1st wife, the one I believe you refer to. This is announcement is from 1987. So, he was straight? Gay? Now strait again? Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

@6:41, that isn't the same guy, xgay's mom and dad have different fist names, and location, than you posted above.

Anonymous said...

@8:49 My bad. Thanks for the correction. I don't want to be MAKING ANYTHING UP HERE lol

Anonymous said...

@8:49, lol, right. Let's leave to Dede and xgay. If you go to, and search on her name, you'll find their registry. What s interesting, is that only one item has been purchased. To me, this means no one in her community, or church believes them either. Even aroud her due date, nothing was purchased. I would think her friends in the church, or her mil would have had something for her. Interesting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the absolute craziest story ever. Baby. No baby. Tumor. Hysterical pregnancy? I'm almost beginning to think she'll get pregnant and give birth in a year from now and claim she gestated this whole time! THE LORD WANTED US TO WITNESS HIS MIRACLE! I'm disturbed yet fascinated but it all. Most disturbing is that she claims to be a nurse. omg.

Anonymous said...

So... where's the "BABY" Dede??? No "baby" yet? lol!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no "baby" yet?? lol

Anonymous said...

My money is on this scenario; She really got pregnant in June 2012 instead of that April BS (setup #1)THEN she concocted this miracle story about vasectomies, periods blah blah.. to support the MIRACLE! (setup#2)She has a scheduled inducement on Easter Sunday!(setup #3) PRESTO! Miracle baby has RISEN PRAISE BE!

Anonymous said...

Dede, the whole internet is laughing at you and your STILL GAY husband.
You both seriously need help. There is no baby, and we all know it.

Anonymous said...

Happy april fools day freak, today is the perfect day to deliver your tumor baby lol

Anonymous said...

Dear Dede and xgaypoopiehead, HEED the way of the Lord for he has found false profits and has chastised those around the heathens as punishment., a POX on you xgreg and dede for taking they Lords words in vain. Suffer the children! REPENT!

Anonymous said...

... So I take it no baby yet. lol

Anonymous said...

Let me guess... still no baby?

Anonymous said...

"I think it's strange and disturbing that you are vehemently pro-life and protest abortion clinics, while you take no care of the life in your own womb..."

That's because there IS no life in that womb. This has been a hoax from day one and she knows it and no one is dumb enough to buy the story.

Anonymous said...

If you ever were a nurse you would know that there is no way you can be pregnant for 52+ weeks. Like it's been said before you're either suffering from a hysterical pregnancy, a extreme case of Endomitriosis, Endomitrial cancer, Ovarian Cancer or Ovarian cysts all of which can mimic pregnancy symptoms. Besides endangering your health, You're mentally ill. You and your "ex gay" husband are suffering from religious mania at the least possibly schizophrenia at the worst. Either way you a viable threat to your living son, and the community at large. Stop this ridiculous charade and get help both from a lisenced doctor, and from a mental health professional. Your church, nor your Lord God can help you with what you are suffering from. I agree that CPS and the surrounding hospitals need to be notified immediately because you pose a danger to expecting mothers, and mothers with newborn children. I also believe the local mental health facility should pay you a visit.

Anonymous said...

Let's face reality. You are not pregnant. No one is pregnant for a year. You and your still gay husband are defrauding people, one of whom is his own mother. You are no Christian, lady. You are a liar.

Anonymous said...

You are being reported over and over to the authorities to save your son from you. His mother is a pathological liar, and his stepfather is still gay. We will get him sent somewhere healthy, because when he realizes that his mother is a monumental fraud, he will NEED HELP.

Anonymous said...

Both you and Xtra Gay Greg are big liars.How christian of you.

Anonymous said...

WAIT, let me guess... NO BABY YET??

Anonymous said...

You can't claim to be Christian if you have no compassion. YOU BOTH have NO COMPASSION what-so-ever. A-ffffffffing-men.PS Satan sees you lying. lol. Flames for you two.

Anonymous said...

They are not Christians, they are scam artists. And no one with any brains believes their story for one minute.

Anonymous said...

Iknow who you are.I know that you livce in greenville, nc.i even have your number.give up the scam you stupid cunt bitch or i will give everyone your #

Anonymous said...

Give it up you lying fat cunt everyone knows you are not pregnant you and your gay husband are just a pair of scammers.

Anonymous said...

So just wondering if you've had that baby yet.

Anonymous said...

Oh now I see that you're claiming the "baby" died. Come on. You guys are both sick, twisted scam artists. NO ONE is dumb enough to believe a word either of you say.

Anonymous said...

Yes, scam babby formed, now scam babby dead. Do not fret! She has evolved into the "Queen of Comedy" He; "Greg Allen" with a new shtick. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

And still the same shape and size...

Cee said...

Normal human gestation is 38-42 weeks. If you want to berate someone, at least do it with facts..

Where are you, Dede? BTW you don't need to suction a nose or mouth upon birth...