Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dangerous Dib-n-Dabble

I remember driving independently for the first time. As soon as my mom made the call to put me on her insurance plan, I got the keys. I was so ready to go and be my own person. So I proudly got in my parents silver blue mini van, the Plymouth Voyager…yeah, I was stylin’. My first independent drive time was when I got to pick my brother David up from school one afternoon. It was spring time and so I rolled down the window and turned on the radio. I was jamming to the hottest pop songs of 1992. I loved driving. But then as time went on I could tell that the louder I turned up the music, the more into the music I became instead of keeping my head in the “driving” game. I was dib-n-dabbling in something that competed with what I was supposed to be focusing on. Now, don’t be fooled, there are still times in my life even today when I need to have the music blaring, but I keep it to a minimum. Like, now I’ll do it if I’m driving down a country road in broad daylight or sitting in my parked car -in a parking lot- doing my killer dance moves with a couple of really great girlfriends. Our Eve, “Adam’s Eve”, knows all about the dangerous dip-n-dabble. Maybe for her I should call it the dib-n-dabble apple. Here she was in the midst of perfect pleasure, (pleasure is the meaning of Eden), enjoying all of its benefits and then who shows up? The king of the dib-n-dabble, Satan. I can imagine him pretending to care about her and saying in a sultry voice, “Go ahead, it’s just an apple. It won’t really make you die. Your eyes will be opened up. Don’t you want to see? Sure you do.” See ladies, anytime there is a subtle suggestion in your mind to do something that you’re not sure of, but you think there might be bad consequences to whatever is being suggested, RUN FOR DEAR LIFE!! I have learned this the hard way- as usual. Girls, the enemy’s goal is to have us dabble in something, and turn it into a stronghold that will hinder a perfect relationship with the Lord! Eve had a perfect relationship with the Lord until sin entered the picture. God wants nothing to get in the way of having perfect communion with him. Let me say that again. God wants NOTHING- no thing- to get in the way of having perfect communion with Him! We can’t expect to see Jesus if we allow our eyes to look at pornography! We can’t expect to find our fullness in Him if we struggle with binge eating and find our fullness from the fridge. It doesn’t matter what the distraction is. Ladies the Bible says that in His presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore. To be in his presence where there is fullness of joy indicates that you can’t take sin with you into his holy of holies. You will never regret coming clean with the King. You don’t have to feel embarrassed or shamed when you go to him and confess whatever it is! The point is -if you and I really and truly want to have oneness with the king as a bride with her bridegroom, then we have to be willing to say, “Jesus, I am bound by _________ and I need your deliverance. I love you so much and because of your love for me you have let me recognize that if I continue down this road, my love for you will become distorted and perverted. Jesus, set me free! I am ready to stop dib-n-dabbling in my own garbage. Deliver me Lord. Only you can break my yoke of bondage and restore to me the joy of my salvation. Father, set me free.”. He wants you to live a life that is engorged with Him. Here’s an image for you. I want to look like a big, fat, tic with a bloated body after sucking out as much blood as I possibly can. That’s what I want to look like for Jesus- full of him. Here’s your assignment- have an amazing week! Love you. Dede

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