Friday, September 25, 2009

From Muck & Mire to Fire

Dear Chocolate Drops, A couple of weeks ago, I had made my decision to watch and care for the “farm” while my parents were away. Each day that I got closer to the time of my parents departure, I grew more dissatisfied with my decision even though I knew that my choice to help was not only right but a really good thing to do. Something surprising that happened to me in the first few days was truly wonderful. With some of my own life’s challenges going on, taking care of something much larger than myself took the focus off of me and was placed on a greater picture. I actually enjoyed myself…for the first few days anyway. And then it happened- the wrath of Birdzilla, (one of our largest chickens). As I was getting grain out of the large bin, I had not noticed that Birdzilla was perched on a wooden beam above my head and slightly to the left. Of course after she dropped a small poop next to my left boot I quickly paid some attention to her. Little did I know that that was a precursor to the large, liquid load that she would spill out from her body down the entirety of my arm and a little on the side of my hand. Needless to say, I was not experiencing the same kind of romantic farming experience that I had in the first three days. As much as I wanted to fry that chicken, I loved that chicken. Okay, I didn’t really love the chicken, I loved the eggs that it produced. See, I love eggs. I enjoy whipping up some eggs, hard-boiling eggs, frying eggs, it just don’t mattah. But to enjoy the harvest of those eggs, I had to be willing to dig out the muck from the barn and get relieved on by a poop tossin’ bird! This concept is the same in our spiritual lives. When the Lord calls us to be obedient to his way of doing things in our own lives, the journey starts off exciting and new. But then as the days grow longer, it’s harder to stay optimistic especially when challenges come along the way… even though they are inevitable. Getting to the point where the goal is achieved is fantastic but what some folks don’t know is that each day that is lived out successfully through a hard time is a reward in itself! Sometimes to say that I made it through another day of milking the goat and collecting the eggs until my parents came home made me feel like I really accomplished something special…I lived through another day. I survived another kiss from the affectionate goat. There is nothing fun when learning about diligence and discipline but the rewards are endless for those who dare to live the exciting life that Christ has called us ALL to live out. By being faithful to what God has called us to go through today and tomorrow, He will become our sustainer, our faithful friend, and he will make us pure in heart taking each of us from the muck and mire through the Refiner’s fire. Here’s the verse for the day! “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance"; therefore, I will hope in him!” (Lamentations 3:24-26) Amen. Love, Dede

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