Thursday, August 12, 2010

Out of place at the right place!

I have to admit that I love the movie Pretty Woman. One of my favorite parts is when the character Vivian is about to enter a brass plated elevator with only a smidge of clothing on. She was so out of place; but at the same time she was at the right place, because she didn’t know that her life as she had become accustomed to live, was about to drastically change!! That story line is similar to Acts chapter 3! See Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the 3pm prayer service. As they approached the Temple Gate called Beautiful, a man lame from birth was being carried in to beg from the people going into the Temple. God is so ironic. A lame man at a gate called Beautiful? So, not coincidental. People who are lame are not usually characterized as beautiful. See, when he saw Peter and John and asked for money, the Bible says that they looked at him intently and said, “Hey you! Did you know that you’re really ugly? I mean you really are hideous!”, I’m just kidding! Peter really said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” The Bible goes on to say in Acts 3:7 “Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk!” There are many people in the body of Christ who are suffering from a lame spirit and a broken heart who have been content begging by those who are entering into the Temple Gate whose lives have been transformed by the beauty of the King because of righteous living and rich fellowship with the Lord. For those of you who are tired of living just outside the gate, I say to you, GET UP. Now is your time of restoration. Now is your time of strengthening. Now is your time to understand the blessing that He wants to give you. What the King wants to pour out to you will be so overwhelming that you will have to share in public testimony exactly what He has done! Do not hesitate one more minute! Call on the name of the Lord and he will redeem you, heal you, deliver you, provide for you, and protect you! He will never fail you…EVER! It is his good pleasure to bless you. The Bible says that the man who was healed went into the Temple with them and when those who had recognized him as being the lame man, they were astonished and amazed! It’s about time that the bride of Jesus Christ take up her mantle to walk, jump, and dance into her destiny! When he was healed, he went into the Temple with the others. God’s will is never to isolate people. He wants his body to be one body in fellowship with each other. The enemy uses isolation tactics as a weapon. Come back into fellowship with Him today! Stop lingering at the gate. Stop the enemy from allowing you to think that you’re too cripple or too lame to enter into a kingdom mentality. You aren't just a conqueror. You're MORE than a conqueror! So be healed in Jesus name!! Love you all, Dede

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