Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Dear Chocoholics, What can I say except, "Are you crazy Lord?...you must be crazy! You want me to do what?!" Ok, let me back up. On October 30, 2010 I had the honor of ministering in music at the Northern Virginian Aglow conference that was held in Warrenton, VA. The special speaker was Pastor Dekker Tapscott. What a powerful time we shared together in the presence of the Lord. After everything was said and done, I asked Pastor Dekker if I could come to his church the following day and he said, "Sure, infact, I'll have you sing and minister to my congregation.". So the very next day, I was about to exit under the threshold of my room and I heard the Lord say, "put on your lotion". Now if you're a woman you know that when there is someone special in your life you take extra special care of yourself. YOU put on the lotion and make sure the legs are shaved and soft, you make sure that the makeup is just right and that there are no funky fragrances going on. I know you know what I'm talking about! You get it done and you get it done right! So, I slapped on a ton of lotion with the biggest grin on my face because I knew what that meant to me. I got to church early looking for one of my girlfriends from Aglow. When I saw her she was with a friend. She said to me, "Dede, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is Greg. I smiled, said "hi", and shook his hand. Then he said to me, "did you see my shirt?" And as I was reading the print on his shirt I read, I used to be the gap, but Jesus set me free" and it had a scripture verse of Romans 1:18-36. I said "that's cool" and then he said to me, "no I don't think that you read it right". He was right I miss read it. The letters resembled old english and my brain added an extra word that was not on his shirt. He stated, "It says, I used to be gay, but Jesus set me free" WOW! What a boldness! I liked his boldness and said, "cool." So as I was waiting to meet Pastor Dekker, they went into the sanctuary to find their seats. As I approached my girlfriend I asked her, "May I sit on the end so that I can get up when I'm called to minister?" She said, "No. I need to sit on the end for the flag ministry that I do". Now she was on the end, I was in the middle, and Greg was next to me. Coincidence? NO CHANCE! As I heard him praise the Lord and enter in, I could tell that the Lord was carefully tilting my heart to this man. I just knew that there was something very special about him. During the praise and worship, I leaned over to my girl and said, "you need to tell me about this man sitting next to me" She replied, "What? I don't have a check in my spirit" I said, "no I mean as a woman I need you to tell me about this MAN!" she said, "He's my brother (in Christ)". After she had said that, I told her "...that I am falling deeply for this man" You can imagine her surprise. Her eyes got so big and the grin on her face was not able to go away! By the way, the Lord had His way in that service and I didn't sing special music that day, however, I was singing and worshiping the Lord with my future husband. Infact, the following Friday that the Lord put it on my heart to share Greg's testimony with my mom over a hot cup of tea, she told me "When you were leaving to go to Pastor Dekker's church, I knew that you were going to meet your husband" Did my jaw fall to the floor? YEP. Sure did. You also need to know that I shared Greg's testimony with my mom before she confirmed what the Lord had told me. Backing up, Greg met my girlfriend in the parking lot 15-20 minutes before I met him. Isn't this astonishing? I thought that they had been friends for quite some time! When the service was over, another Aglow friend invited Greg and I to eat lunch with her. That was our first date. Our second date was the very next Sunday at a church in Alexandria. He preached and I did prophetic praise and worship. THAT WAS OUR SECOND DATE!!! Trust me girls, even now I'm totally freaked out at the coolness of God. The Lord has spoken to us every night unveiling His plans for our lives as well as showing us what He wants to be done in this area. Be encouraged! So if you see a sign in the back of a car that says, "I used to be gay but Jesus set me free" then please honk and show your support. We love you and covet your prayers! Love you all, Dede

1 comment:

Christie said...

Was checking in to see where the LORD had brought you ~ so excited to hear how HE is using you, and lining you up for a larger ministry with a wonderful partner!
Hugs to you, Dede!!! :-)