Saturday, March 10, 2012

Emotions In Check? Check Please.

The Lord has been pouring into me about emotions lately and he has had me share this opportunity of deliverance with other women. This message is NOT for the faint of heart. It IS for men and women. As I was having time with my Jesus, He was sharing with me the proper use of emotions! He started by telling me that indeed I have given Him my mind and my will, but not so much with my emotions! I said, "What do you mean Daddy?" He said, "Why do you get frustrated with things?" I told him it was because every once in a while I just get irritated. Of course, He was not impressed. He told me that the reason why He gave me emotions was to convey to others how He feels about situations, not how "I" felt about it. I responded, "Oh boy, I'm about to learn something". Sure enough. He said to me, "How 'bout this Darling, before your emotions want to respond in EVERY situation, ask Me how I feel about it; then adjust your emotions accordingly!" Oh my goodness! "Lord", I said, "How many times have my emotions responded incorrectly?" He gave me grace and mercy and said, "Enough". OUCH! I have some correcting to do! Praise the Lord! Since then, Wednesday, He has given me so many opportunities to get my emotions to submit to the leading of His Holy Spirit. He has allowed extraordinary heart circumstances to approach me to make sure that I get this lesson down. Today my heart was bleeding and as I was crying I said, "Praise the Lord, You are having Your way, Halleluia, There is no one like You. I love inconveniencing my flesh to obey You because it means that I'm becoming more like you. I can't afford to stay the same. I love you Lord. Have your way in me". As tears were streaming down my face, I submitted my emotions to Him and he turned my heart to a place of Glory in the place of despair. Join with me in the emotional quest for holiness. Do you have anger issues? Are you moody? Is "frustration" a daily pill that you swallow? Let me give you a first class invitation to your heart. Mr. Heart, Mrs. Heart, I'd like to introduce you to the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit would love you to trust Him with your emotions. Trust the Lord with ALL of your heart. Lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways (even emotionally), acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. Amen!


Anonymous said...

Sweetie, your husband is bi-sexual man, not a homo-sexual man. He is fortunate in being able to swap between the two. Ignoring some sexual feelings (if you are bi-sexual) is a great deal easier than ignoring ALL sexual feelings (if you are a homo-sexual), isn't it? "God" seems to have zero success with people who discover, usually at puberty, that they ONLY have strong sexual urges for their own gender. They are the ones who so often commit suicide after being "saved" by your version of "god". All major professional associations of mental health professionals condemn the practice that your version of "god" condones. I recommend that you get this god some help and a decent medical education. He clearly needs it.

Anonymous said...

And you are not pregnant, just a delusional fattie.

Anonymous said...

The first commenter is right.Im a bi-sexual woman in a hetero marriage.I still have desires to be with women,but I find it easy to deal with,because Im so in love with my husband&our sex life is great.That doesnt mean Jesus cured me-it means I could happily live without ever sleeping with a woman again,if my husband were to insist upon it,and continue having my uncensored fantasy life-as Im sure your xgaygreg does.If he says he doesnt its as much of a lie or dilusion as your 12 month pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

number one- you say you are without sin. then why whwere you illegally living in the aurora parsonage and caoused your in laws to be thrownout of the church. you and greg live off his 85 year old need to bee exposed for the frauds you are.