Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Devil Hates Discernment!

My Beloved and I were reading Jeremiah 6 and the Lord started speaking to us through 1 verse. Jeremiah 6:21Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will lay stumbling blocks before this people, and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them; the neighbor and his friend shall perish.
God was expressing this due to his anger toward His children for their repeated disobedience. I thought it was curious that God is the one who said that He would lay the stumbling block before his people. There are so many wonderful Christians that speak of not being a stumbling block for their brother or sister, (I was one of them) I don't want to be the cause for someone falling! However, as I live a life of obedience to the Lord and say what He says, do what He does, then there's no way that I could cause someone to sin. They may choose to sin but it won't be because of me! I have heard so many generalizations about stumbling blocks and how they're distractions meant to take your eyes off of Jesus. Really? According to this scripture there are times when God is the one that places the block in your way! The problem that quickly sets in is that there is very little to no discernment to know who sent the stumbling block in the first place. Discernment is the key of this lesson. If you have the faith to move a mountain but lack discernment to know which mountain needs to be moved then you could be getting yourself into a heap of TROUBLE!! If you discern by the Holy Spirit you will start to see that the mere stumbling blocks that the enemy has been receiving the credit for, may have intended to be character and integrity builders in your life. As the Lord for clarity, He'll show you the way to navigate through any mountain and over every stumbling block! Blessings, Dede

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